Members - Advertising Services

1What is it?
MP1 is our new partnership with Pennsylvania-based MANSI Media to bring advertising revenue to MPA members.
2How does this change impact day-to-day operations on business placed through Media Placement One (powered by the Michigan Press Association) into member newspapers?
Any orders through February 29.2016, will be placed by Customized Newspaper Advertising who delivers all insertion orders, ad copy, rate requests, request for tear sheets, and payments. Questions about those orders should still be directed to CNA's media department by emailing [email protected] or calling 800-227-7636, ex. 152.
3Insertion Orders
As of March 1, 2016, insertion orders like this example will be placed by MANSI Media on behalf of Media Placement One. Questions about orders after March 1, 2016, can be directed to your MANSI Media contact, Ken Sanford by emailing [email protected] or calling 717-703-3089.

4Why is this important?
First, MP1 is important because it will position MPA—and its member newspapers—as a valuable but underutilized tool for advertisers. Second, the program will market the benefits of newspaper advertising directly to advertising decision makers. Finally, it will generate ad revenue from industries that have been moving away from newspaper media.
5How does this help me?
Remember, MPA is your ally. We will be placing ads in your products from advertisers. The commission we retain from these ads is reinvested into valuable MPA member services like lobbying and legal assistance you can’t get anywhere else.
6Commission on Placements
Board-approved commission of 10% on daily publications and 15% on weekly publications still apply. Click HERE for policy.
7Referral Fee Program
Your organization receives 25 percent of the commission retained on the first order generated by the lead. Commission retained is the total amount of the sale, less the payment to the newspapers or media outlet and any agency discounts. The best leads include advertising agencies or direct clients with multiple locations or a statewide or regional presence. We have extensive experience and success with advocacy or issue-based clients; government; travel; utilities (including cable and Internet companies) and financial institutions. We don’t call on local retail such as grocery or real estate as that is the focus of newspapers.

Participating in MPA's Statewide Display & Classified Ad Networks
- Selling ONE ad can earn you between $150 - $1,049
- Receive MPA-sponsored event and training discounts
- Receive 25% share of sales (avg. of $300) each year
Newspaper Advertising FAQ
Save yourself a legal headache! Find a list of frequently asked advertising questions by our members.