Michigan Press Association Services offers opportunities for you or your clients to reach an audience in Michigan or across the country. Learn about our comprehensive services that make advertising easy, affordable and saves you valuable time – all to reach an engaged audience.
Powered by the Michigan Press Association

Advertising in newspapers is simple. With one phone call, one order, one bill and one payment, you can place advertising, statewide or across the country. the advertising placement service is powered by the Michigan Press Association Services. To find out more, contact Kevin Hook at 616.935.2482 or [email protected].
Support Freedom of the Press Local News
MPAS’ campaign for more visibility on our local press and their rights.

Statewide Classified Ad Network
Though our partnership with Customized Newspaper Advertising, reach millions of loyal classified readers in Michigan or any state across the country with your classified ad.
Statewide Small Ad Network
Similar to the Classified Ad Network, you can place your 2×2 or 2×4 ad in networks throughout the country at affordable rates allowing for more frequency and reach then a traditional display ad buy.
Click to find out more or contact Jeff Clark at 800-227-7636 x.126 – [email protected].

Partner Program
MPAS brings you a Waymark Partner Program, which will work to build you an exclusive, branded collection of templates so your sales and creative team can start making premium, custom video for every campaign and client!